About TBHA
The Thunder Bay Hiking Association (TBHA) is a not-for-profit organization that facilitates recreational hiking and related seasonal activities such as cross country skiing, snowshoeing, kayaking, and cycling in the Thunder Bay area.
Our History
In response to an interest in recreational hiking in the Thunder Bay area, a group of people initiated the formation of the TBHA in April 1984. In September 1984 the first volunteer executive was formed and regular hikes were scheduled. Since 1985, as the membership grew, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, cycling, canoeing and kayaking were added. The association has continued to grow with over 200 annual memberships.

By joining as a member of the TBHA you are adding your voice to a community hiking vision to: promote interest in hiking, establish and maintain trails for hiking, encourage awareness of the natural environment, and promote the conservation of the environment.
TBHA membership offers a number of benefits to you as a member:
- Group hiking with the TBHA allows you to share your passion of the outdoors with like-minded people and meet new friends.
- Experienced and trained TBHA Hike Leaders will be with you to guide you to new places with safety.
- By hiking with experienced hikers you will learn firsthand the gear to buy, the best trails to hike, interesting nature insights.
- On our hikes there is safety in numbers which can help with injuries, weather, wildlife, and security.
- It is an opportunity for you to build confidence in your abilities in a supportive environment.
- Hikes are planned by experienced Hike Leaders, relieving you of that chore
- Access to discounts at some local hiking supply stores – check this one
- Our member activities (hikes, social events, training) allow you to better connect, learn, and experience. Visit our MEMBERSHIP page to sign up!

Thunder Bay Hiking Association executive meetings take place the 3rd Tuesday of each month. As a member, if you have something to say, please contact us to be put on the agenda – we would love to hear from you. Occasionally we have guest speakers and invite members and guests to join us. Watch this website and emails from us for upcoming events.
The TBHA has an Annual General Meeting in September, open to the public, where members socialize, elect an executive, and listen to interesting guest speakers.

We respectfully acknowledge the land and water we hike, explore, and enjoy nature on is the traditional lands of the Anishinaabeg people, in particular the traditional territory of Fort William First Nation, signatory to the Robinson-Superior Treaty of 1850, on whose lands our association resides. We recognize and honour the past, present, and future caretakers of the lands and waters. We are grateful for the privilege and opportunity we have to connect with nature. We recognize our responsibility for fostering respect and improving our own understanding of local Indigenous peoples and their culture, and to promote environmental stewardship.

Peter Summers
Past President
Teresa Legowski
Vice President
Hilda Postenka
Marsha Honeyset
Maureen Tychoniak
Pat Hovi (until replacement is found)
Publicity / Facebook
Joyce Carlson
Hike Program Schedulers
Harriet McMillan, Tammy Opyc
Members at Large
Marie Cowley, James Gliddon, Viviana Nardo, Cherie Simons, Diana Hamilton, Jim Bidnall
Rob Chandler, Cathy Schroeder
Hike Sign-Up Administrators
Cathy Schroeder, Teresa Legowski, Rob Chandler

Hike Info
Upcoming Hikes
What’s New